Standard FIFe for the breed «Sacred Birman»

General Size Medium in size
Body: Structure Slightly long body
Head: Shape Strong bone
Forehead Slightly rounded
Cheeks Full, somewhat rounded
Nose Of medium lenght without stop, but with a slight indentation
Chin Firm
Ears Shape Rather small with rounded tips
Placement Set slightly tipped, not too upright on the skull with good width between
Eyes Shape Not quite round, slightly oval
Color Deep blue
Legs: Shape and size Short and strong
Gloves The special feature of the Sacred Birman is the white feet, called «gloves»,
on both the front and hind feet.
These gloves must be absolutely pure white. They should stop at the articulation or at the
transition of toes to metacarpals, over which they should not extend.

Slightly longer white gloves on the hind feet can be tolerated.

On the back of the hind feet the white gloves end in points. The ideal «gauntlets» end in inverted «V’s» and extend 1/2 to 3/4 of the
way up the hock. Lover or higher gauntlets are acceptable but should not go beyond the hock.

It is important that the gloves are equally long and show a symmetry of white, on either the two front or two hind feet,
or even better, on all four feet.

Tail: Shape and length Of medium length, forming a plume
Coat: Structure Long to semi-long, according to the actual parts of the body:
short on the face, gradually growing longer on the cheeks to a full frill, long on the back and the flanks.

Silky texture.
Little undercoat.

Colour Shows all characteristics known from the colourpointed cats, but all 4 feet are white
The points include the face, ears, legs, tail and genitals.

The points shall be even and in good contrast to the body colour.

The body colour and colour of the belly is a very pale eggshell: the back is golden beige in all varieties.

Only in adult cats the colour of the points and the body colour are fully developed.

Notice: The Sacred Birman shows a special morfology, which is unique for the breed.

Scale of points (FIFe)

  100 points
Head General shape, cheeks, nose, jaws and teeth, forehead, chin, placement and shape of the ears, shape and colour of the eyes   20  
Body Shape, size, bone structure, legs, shape of paws   20  
Tail Length & shape   10  
Coat Body colour and points   15  
Quality and texture, length   10  
Gloves On the front feet   5  
On the hind feet   5  
Gauntlets   5  
Uniformity and symmetry of gloves and gauntlets   5  
Condition General condition   5  


  • Pure white or coloured patches on the chest or the belly

    Faults precluding the certificate

  • white patching in the coloured areas or the reverse
  • incompletely pigmented nose leather
  • creeping up of the white on the sides or the reverse sides of the gloves of front and/or hind feet (known as «runners»)
  • a white patch on the genitals
  • absence of «gauntlets» on the hind feet
  • lack or too many fingers
  • amputated claws
  • too much powder on the coat
  • dyed or shaven cats
  • more than 4-week pregnant cats
  • aggressive cats
  • no testicle (for males)

    General standards
  • The cat has distinguished typical features of it’s breed and healthy general condition
  • The cat has excellent physical condition, with no anatomic or any other defects seen
  • Skull should be mildly rounded off to smaller or greater extent conforming to the breed
  • Ideal requirements for all breeds – even jaws and “scissors-like” bite.
    At the same time, upper and lower jaws must be of same size.
    The outer surfaces of lower cutting teeth should only touch the inner surfaces of upper cutting teeth.
    The fangs should also be in a “scissors-like” position (the lower fangs “inside” the upper ones).
    The jaws should not have any warps or other defects.
    The cat should have all teeth of a normal size, evenly set in the mouth and properly aligned.
  • Nose: As determined for the breed. Besides, the nostrils should be wide and open, providing unlimited air pass
  • Temper: The cat should be receptive and loyal to judicial procedure and not to be frightened or aggressive
  • Legs: The judge (referee) should be able to feel (sense) the size and the form of the bones’ general structure and muscles’ tone. The general structure should be evident
  • The cat should be well groomed for the exhibition, clean, free from powder, dandruff or parasites. The paws should be clean, with the claws cut. The white cats or the cats with white spots should be clean and should not have any shading spots. The grooming should emphasize and distinguish the cat’s and its breed’s features
  • The total quantity – 200 items. 100 of them are for the general physical condition estimating, determined by the exhibition vet. The other 100 are at judge’s disposal, for estimating the cat’s state for the show and conformity to the breed.